Piano at the Mixed-Lounge
The piano in the Mixed Lounge is older and more prized as we are informed. The piano was made by the famous FEURICH Piano Co., which was founded in 1851 in Leipzig, Germany around 1883 or so by Julius Gustav Feurich and four generations after him the company still exists and is owned by an Austrian piano manufacturer named Wendl & Lung.
This upright Piano dates back over 100 years. The pianos made by Feurich are of the highest quality and have a more than significant resale value.
Needless to say, it is in absolutely playable condition.
Piano at the Dining Hall
The Dining Hall Piano is made by Adolf Ernst Voigt of Voigt & Co., Berlin, Germany. Unfortunately, no information is available about this Piano except that it was specially made for a Co., called Christie’s in Secunderabad Deccan. We reproduce this plate. It seems to be around 75 years old. These Pianos are regularly serviced and tuned by a gentleman who visits us from Chennai. The House-Keeping staff tap all the keys daily to ensure the tuning is good.
Many old-timers remember that we had a senior Anglo-Indian lady named Mrs Victoria (not to be confused with the present Victoria working there) she would take care of the Children’s Library till 7.30 PM (when all children below 16 years would leave the Club) and lock up the Library and move to the Dining Hall at 8 PM and play on the Piano there till 9.30 PM which was the closing time for Dining then!
It was at a time when the Dining Hall was completely clad with wooden panelling including the pillars. The Members dressed formally speaking in low tones and being served from sterling silver dishes on white bone-china crockery with the sound of the Piano tinkling in the background.
Pure Nostalgia!!